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Below is a collection of player requests spanning from character relationships to game requests. There is no limit to the number of requests you can have in one post, but please consider the limitations of the space provided. These ads are best served short and pointing towards your full requests on the mediumjcink/proboards/tumblr/discord/etc of your game. Please use the extra information box to include any relevant links or information that is most important to know about your request. You should not be using this directory to post your entire request word for word.

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Many different roles needed!

For the various kingdoms, we're in need of different council positions, such as;

♜ Hand to the King/Queen
♜ Lord Commander of the King/queensguard
♜ Master of Coin
♜ Master of Ships
♜ Master of Laws
♜ Spymaster

We're also in need of elemental masters; Those proclaimed to be one of the best within their field and element, having officially earned them the title of "elemental master", and people (especially nobles and royalty) seek them out from all over the world to be taught by them.

♜ Master of Darkness
♜ Master of Light
♜ Master of Water
♜ Master of Lightning
♜ Master of Wind

In Thieves Bay we're in need of a leader of one of the two gangs:

♜ Vaan: A strategist at heart, Vaan can to some seem curt and ruthless, but he would sooner cut through the red tape himself and make something happen than sit on his hands and take blow after blow -- however, he is not one to rush into anything without careful thought. As one of the leaders of one of the gangs of Thieves Bay, he keeps his people close and his eyes on the prize.
Fantasy | Medievalesque | by Junitoons02-14-2025, 06:22 PM
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The royal court. These are those that are most loyal to the King. From his queen to the soldiers within the ranks of this aristocratic pack.

Those serving are here to not only provide defense but to provide knowledge in politics among local packs and the species as a whole. Wolves considered some of the strongest and most educated of their time. Their loyalty is unwavering to the Royals even with the absence of them over the last century.

Roles are not gender specific.


The wanted roles are: Hand of the King, Alpha, Beta, and Leader of the Kingsguard.
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | werewolves | by SKSADMIN02-11-2025, 12:37 PM
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Our current adoptables are:

Raevyn's bio family: an overly-ambitious father who uses his family to further his political power. Looking for players for offspring & mother. Personalities are up to adopters!

Skylar's Sibling/Childhood Friends: A priestess who believes her immediate family is dead soon realizes they are not!

We're still looking for members of our factions:
-Herd Leaders 6 herdlands are looking for leaders!
-Order of the Elements: an apolitical group of scholars, scribes, and teachers
-Circle of Ancients: Harmonious coven dedicated to the service of deities.
_Weathered Syndicate: Secretive group working to restore the God of Death to his rightful position of power
-Covenant of Storms: Acolytes following the God of Storms, generally benevolent.
-Deities: Auditioning requires 30 posts to qualify but we're looking for active & diverse players
Fantasy | Animal | horse | equine | magic | gods | by Muffin02-05-2025, 10:05 PM
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Gods and Goddess are looking for first responders for our earthquake event! Come check it out!!
Real Life | Celebrity/Crime | by Daisy02-01-2025, 11:09 AM
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Violence - V

Delphine was raised as the daughter to a Saint in Bourdeaux, France. At twenty-one she was married off to a Saint. It was an abusive and miserable marriage that, thankfully, produced no children. The fear she had ultimately forced her powers to rear themselves by the time she was twenty-three. Without much of an understanding as to what she was doing, Phi managed to trap her husband in an amulet that she still wears. She was able to find ties to the Unclean and they helped to get out of France and to Kingstown, NY where she has resided ever since.
He is a werewolf. Either they have already met or will meet soon. But he did/will imprint on her. His want is to bite her so that they may have a future together. Without that, they’re subjected to simply being together for as many human years she will have and unable to have a life that he would find as fulfilling.

The issue is that she has no interest in becoming a werewolf.

Looking for all the feels and all the drama.

(Delphine is currently involved with a Saint, unknowingly. Considering her history with them, it is problematic. This could definitely lead to some fun writing and plottage.)

Ad is super open, just run it by me first.
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | werewolves | by SKSADMIN01-28-2025, 02:34 PM
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Isla Iscarra is an 18+ fantasy horse RPG in a well-established original setting. Hosted on JCINK with a 3/2/3 rating.

Our current adoptables are:

Raevyn's bio family: an overly-ambitious father who uses his family to further his political power. (Names are suggestions!)

Nekht: schemeful father who seeks political power, a skilled fighter & fire mage
Kawya: Disillusioned mother who seeks to protect her young children
Kasmut: Second eldest brother, 4 years old. Personality up to adopter!
Salatis: Third eldest brother, 3 years old. the "trouble maker" + personality up to adopter!
Asim: Fourth oldest brother, 2 years old. the "brainiac/schemer" + personality up to adopter!
Sasur-amen & Nes-maut: twins & youngest siblings of the bunch. One sickly & the other an adventurous child. Personalities up to adopters!

We're still looking for members of our factions:
-Herd Leaders 7 herdlands are looking for leaders!
-Order of the Elements: an apolitical group of scholars, scribes, and teachers
-Circle of Ancients: Harmonious coven dedicated to the service of deities.
_Weathered Syndicate: Secretive group working to restore the God of Death to his rightful position of power
-Covenant of Storms: Acolytes following the God of Storms, generally benevolent
-Deities: Auditioning requires 30 posts to qualify but we're looking for active & diverse players
Fantasy | Animal | horse | equine | magic | gods | by Muffin01-24-2025, 07:52 PM
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Violence - V

He’s a warlock but he wouldn’t be aligned with the Saints. Actually, it would be beneifical if he hates them. I'm thinking that he might be with the Unclean which would leave him to be more sympathetic toward Sybil.

My poor darling girl, a born common werewolf who was snatched up and experimented on by the Saints. With her release, she’s been struggling with the changes that the warlocks made to her. She’s a hybrid, werewolf and witch mix specifically. The power of deflection presenting itself to her very chaotically. While not terrible, it's really throwing her through a loop.

Looking for someone to help her and make her feel things. Sybil has never really been much of a game player with the wolves so something forming outside of that would be very on brand for her. The ad is very open. Just message me.
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | werewolves | warlocks | vampires | by SKSADMIN01-03-2025, 10:03 PM
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He's a member of the task force investigating Sonders, and Esther's mother is on their radar. Esther doesn't know her mother is a Sonder, so this character would be trying to get close to her in an effort to get as much information about Sarah Blum as possible.

This would be a slow burn as he tries to win her over. He would play the sweet guy, all while trying to weasel his way into her life to find out just where Sarah Blum disappeared to. From there, I'd love to see what develops - whether he starts to genuinely fall for Esther, or if it's all strictly business.

Suggested face is David Corenswet from Hollywood, but I'm open to other FCs.
Science Fiction | Historical | by Reed12-30-2024, 04:21 PM
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These are those that are most loyal to the King. From his future queen to the soldiers within the ranks of this aristocratic pack.

Those serving are here to not only provide defense but to provide knowledge in politics among local packs and the species as a whole. Members may be current characters wanting to further themselves and pledging their loyalty or may be new characters being made. All information is open to the players.


The Hand of the King
Leader of the Kingsguard
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | werewolves | warlocks | vampires | by SKSADMIN12-30-2024, 12:42 PM
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Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
She's a 911 Dispatcher in sunny LA. Her baby Daddy is a Firefighter with the 114th. These to had a feral romance that was never meant to be. It was just lust and on June 27th 2017, Emma and Declan Ng, brought Liam into this world.

Declan in a devoted father, spending as much time with his son as possible. To make things easier on their child, Emma and Declan have decided to have a mature relationship with allowing each other to be happy. Any future partner will have to be accepting of the relationship between Declan and Emma. They have become extremely good friends and work partners.

If you are interested in Emma her last name and face are up for grabs. I want you to give her a story in this happy little family that will extend into a beautiful found family.
Real Life | Celebrity/Crime | by Daisy12-27-2024, 07:48 AM
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Violence - V
stronghold territory (info)
Discord (link)

Kagemusha (Spymaster) (yokai only)
The Stronghold Territory uses spies / shinobi on a very regular basis. They have an impressive spy network throughout the continent.

The spymaster is as it sounds. They're a master in gleaning information and have a large network of spies who are planted all over the continent, but mostly concentrated in areas of great interest (such as enemy territory, and the Kaminaga territory where Enrai's son is training).


Gathers intel (i.e. surveillance, espionage, and so on)
Assesses and analysis the danger/risks involved in operations
Reports their findings to Enrai
Advises in communication/information strategy (i.e. how to distribute the information they gather, such as hold onto it themselves, give it to the highest bidder, and so on) as well as infiltration strategies
also advises in managing crises relating to intelligence/operational failures
Basically in charge of their shinobi/ninja network as well as anyone else who falls under this category. However, they report to Enrai. They can't make big decisions without consulting Enrai first, or without getting Enrai's consent/command. Also, being the one Enrai, Enrai is above them in their own field when it comes to the chain of command and can/will take charge of their spy network directly whenever he sees fit (which hopefully is not often at all, because why havea spymaster at all at that point)

Karo (Sr. Advisor) (Yokai)
The senior advisor helps with daily governance, foreign affairs, and helps negotiate/communicate with other lords. They are the among oldest of the lot and have a lot of experience under their belt. They are also like a close family friend to Enrai and his family. They specialise resource managment.
Advises on all manner of issues from political strategy to economic polices, and even militaristic operations though that's En's specialty.
Admin Oversight (i.e. land, resources, taxes & finance managment)
Succession Planning
Creating & implementing policies (i.e. laws of the land)

Advisor 3

Advisor 4



An Older Gentleman (yokai, species open)
This retainer is considerably older than Enrai (though he doesn't know it). A turbulent sort, he very much worries about appearances: like what will people think if they find their anti-human/yokai co-existence daimyo consorting with the humans? In private, he may voice this worries in the form of questions, but in public he is the picture perfect of obedience and would never say or do anything that might reflect poorly on his daimyo.

He, too, is anti-human/yokai existence. In fact, he doesn't like humans at all. Since coming to the human realm, he's seen nothing but slaughter on their end. He thinks the humans are a cruel sort that wish to exterminate anything different from them. He laments every time Enrai is friendly with a human.

He does NOT know about Enrai's excursions out into public on his own in a human incognito glamour. He just knows that Enrai vanishes sometimes, and it stresses him out lol.

He'd be a fun sort if you'd like to play a turbulent, potentially neurotic worrywort.

He was/is probably a shinobi or samurai or something like that


3rd Northern Territory's Puppet Daimyo ?
Enrai enlisted a Tanuki Youkai to shapeshift into the former 3rd Northern Territory's daimyo - the very daimyo Enrai slayed.
This Tanuki is acting as a puppet daimyou. The actual daimyou is Enrai.
The admin wants people to submit a ticket to her about this role.

Samurai The warrior class and the bulk of the militaristic power
Kenshi Samurai who act as regional inspectors and maintains order within territory - basically police
Shinobi Another warrior class, and the bulk of their spy network
Monzeki Monks/Priests who mediate the daimyo and the matters of religious/spiritual stuff of the territory
Jige lower officials who handle administrative tasks like tax collection, record keeping, etc
Machinushi Leaders of towns or villages
Common Folk
Priests and monks
If you can think of it, the stronghold probably needs it, just know that red light district stuff is illegal in the stronghold territory
Fantasy | Feudal Japan | Supernatural | Yokai | by Wadaiko12-23-2024, 10:56 AM
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Assumed heir to the Silvertails pack. But he isn’t as loyal to the cause as his family and has much doubt over the future of their kind. He’s a bit selfish and more concerned with ensuring his own happiness. He is the fraternal twin to Corrine and the older of the two.
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | werewolves | by SKSADMIN12-07-2024, 12:11 PM
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Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
♖ The Heirs ♖

♔ Crown Prince of Valyrien / 250-300 years old / Demon / Darkness Magic / Suggested fc: Henry Cavill
A little rough around the ages, NAME has spent most of his adult life training and living among soldiers, rather than his royal home. An excellent swordsman, good on horseback and an exceptional fighter who has yet to lose a single one-on-one combat.

♕ Crown Princess of Bastia / 110-130 years old / Fairy / Earth Magic / Suggested fc: Eiza Gonzalez
Cunning, charismatic and occasionally both sardonic and undeviating, NAME is well aware of the darker aspects of life, but has made quite the point of not traveling down that path, and telling everyone to do the same. Holding herself to impossibly high standards, rather than give her self-value and confidence, it has made her somewhat spiteful and judgemental, as well as stuck in her ways.

♔ Crown Prince of Astarot / 150-190 years old / Fairy / Fire Magic / Suggested fc: Ben Barnes
Somewhat lacking in certain social skills, NAME is awkward and shy, not always as sure of himself as he perhaps should be. Intrigued by the things he should not be, and lacking where he should be excelling, NAME is intelligent, inquisitive and has excellent swordsmanship. He lacks a certain authority, however, that his father hopes will develop with time and training.

♔ Crown Prince of Sicilia / 20-25 years old / Fairy / Lightning Magic / Suggested fc: Aidan Gallagher
Likable and clever to boot, NAME is very practical and very logical. Something of an inventor and tinkerer, he spends much of his time in his workshop. He is well organized, intelligent and articulate, but also severely narrow-minded and arrogant. As the youngest boy, he is also the heir to his father's throne. A prospect that both excite, but also terrifies him.

♔ Crown Prince of Gior / 32 years old / Mortal / Suggested fc: Luo Yunxi
Having been groomed to become king for as long as he can remember, NAME has spent his entire life doing everything he was told, and following the rules by the book. NAME wants nothing more than to become a great king and further his family’s legacy, but there is still a part of him worried that he might not be king material.
Fantasy | Medievalesque | by Junitoons11-01-2024, 10:48 AM
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Violence - V
☆ Members Of the Moonlight Alliance ☆

The Moonlight Alliance started back in the fourteenth century in Lambeth London. At first, it was nothing more than a simple band of hunters that quickly grew into what it is today - a worldwide organization. It homes many bases of operation across the globe with its home base being where the Alliance originally started in London. These days the base in Pennsylvania is starting to be the main base as the leader of the Alliance currently lives there with his family

The family who originally started the Alliance is the Murdock family. At every branch and overall position of power, a Murdock is the one leading. They all hold to the same appearance with the dark, almost black hair and blue eyes. The family head and overall leader of the Alliance is Mason Murdock. His firstborn son, Monty Murdock is the next heir to the family name.

The Alliance doesn't only pay their hunters but supplies them with what they need in terms of weaponry, information, safe houses, and medical attention. The Alliance offers a multitude of diverse job opportunities. From a simple librarian to doctors, weaponry smiths, magical researchers, and many more. Even among hunters, there are different types who specialize in killing certain magical creatures such as vampires or werewolves. The hunters work by a ranking system that everyone within the Alliance has to work towards advancing. From highest to lowest: Master Hunter, Hunter, Beta, Junior, Apprentice. Each ranking has a crest they must carry around to identify themselves.
Fantasy | Modern fantasy | Sandbox | Magic | by Lloydy10-25-2024, 08:17 PM
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Violence - V
Gang Leader | Located in Thieves Bay | Demon | Immortal | Suggested Face Claim: Lee Pace

A strategist at heart, Vaan can to some seem curt and ruthless, but he would sooner cut through the red tape himself and make something happen than sit on his hands and take blow after blow -- however, he is not one to rush into anything without careful thought. As one of the leaders of one of the gangs of Thieves Bay, he keeps his people close and his eyes on the prize.
Fantasy | Medievalesque | by Junitoons10-18-2024, 08:09 AM
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Sexual Content - S
Violence - V

The daughter of Althea Blake and Wesley Kaylock. After her father was killed, Ariadne was taken from her mother at the age of 2 when the Saints captured them. She was used against her mother to break her and in the early years of captivity, Thea had seen her daughter a few times but she has not seen her for decades. It is most likely that a witch/wife who was escaping took the young girl with her before her first full moon and she has been with the Unclean ever since. (Roughly 88 years ago.)
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | werewolves | by sksadmin10-17-2024, 12:32 PM
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Sexual Content - S
Violence - V

Delphine was raised as the daughter to a Saint in Bourdeaux, France. At twenty-one she was married off to a Saint. It was an abusive and miserable marriage that, thankfully, produced no children. The fear she had ultimately forced her powers to rear themselves by the time she was twenty-three. Without much of an understanding as to what she was doing, Phi managed to trap her husband in an amulet that she still wears. She was able to find ties to the Unclean and they helped to get out of France and to Kingstown, NY where she has resided ever since.

He is a werewolf. Either they have already met or will meet soon. But he did/will imprint on her. His want is to bite her so that they may have a future together. Without that, they’re subjected to simply being together for as many human years she will have and unable to have a life that he would find as fulfilling.

The issue is that she has no interest in becoming a werewolf.

Looking for all the feels and all the drama.

Ad is super open, just run it by me first. Discord is - blonding
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | werewolves | by sksadmin10-15-2024, 12:12 PM
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Violence - V
Younger sister to the goddess of light | 130-190 years old | Fairy | Light Magic | Immortal | Unmarried

Aerith was always second to her elder sister, "The Goddess of Light" and though her sister has shown her nothing but kindness, there has always been a part of Aerith that has always been resentful. Resentful of everything her sister got, that she didn't, and resentful for being passed on by her parents.
Fantasy | Medievalesque | by Junitoons10-10-2024, 07:00 AM
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Violence - V
King of Anaxas | 50-70 Years old | Immortal | Fairy | Water Magic | Unmarried

The former king of Anaxas has died after an injury received during a hunt and his son is taking over the throne. A crowning ceremony is to be held, everyone in the Heavenly Realm invited to witness the new king ascend the throne.
Fantasy | Medievalesque | by Junitoons10-08-2024, 10:40 AM
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Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Request for romance for my fiery vampire. This isn’t for a finals plot, just fun and drama. But we can see where the writing takes us.
Seraphine Hastings has spent a good portion of her vampiric years traveling, killing for fun, and turning any human she deemed worthy. This vampire was one of those. It’s likely they may have stayed together for a time after she turned him but once he expressed wanting to go off on his own, she would have let him. Her own sire forced her to stay with him for decades so she wouldn’t do the same to another.

I want to say that they were probably really great while together. She wouldn’t have turned someone who she didn’t have a connection with or she couldn’t tolerate. I imagine they probably did a lot of killing for fun and used it for kinks. Why they parted ways can be plotted.

He would have been turned in his mid to late twenties and let’s say it’s been about 50 years since then. Thomas Doherty is pictured but it’s open. Same goes for his history, personality, and everything else. Very open to make your own character with a ready made plot.
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | vampires | by SKSADMIN09-13-2024, 10:00 AM
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