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Below is a collection of rp games looking for new members. Please use the plot box to include any relevant links or plot information that is most important to know about your game. When using images in the plot section, please be mindful of the overall space available in the template for the best user experience.

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Isla Iscarra is a fantasy horse roleplay set in an original setting, rated 3/2/3. We promote a friendly and inviting atmosphere to new and old RPers to safely express their creativity! Regardless of your skill level or abilities, we want you, as a player, to be safe and feel heard.

Isla Iscarra is themed after the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, Egypt and even Mayan, Aztec, and Incan! As a player, you have the ability to play semi-naturally marked equines with fantasy equines in a way that will let you receive benefits from having both in your arsenal.

We have an established, thought-out history with various site-wide plots that play into it. And many player-driven plots as well!
Fantasy | Animal | horse | equine | magic | gods | by Muffin02-17-2025, 10:37 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Modern supernatural rpg set in Upstate New York. The town of Kingstown was founded by those that were fleeing persecution because of what they were. But over the years the town has become a haven to all things sinister and corrupt.

There was once a time when werewolves were the species garnering the most power. Their royal family was feared and respected. But with great power comes the ability to fall and fall the werewolves did. In wanting to rise to the top, powerful warlocks known as the Saints seized control and cursed the royals from their bipedal forms to their true wolf and slaughtered others. Of course, some escaped but not all.

The Saints have been at the top since. An already strong organization now teetering on having total control. Kingstown is the unsuspecting town where they prepare the future of their lineage. But as powerful as they are, they still have enemies - namely those who have been burned by them like witches and what is left of the werewolves.

It is only a matter of time before they are challenged. The werewolf King has returned and is working with witches to take back the town. As tensions rise between warlocks and wolves and a war imminent, the other species lurking in town are up to no good of their own. Where do you fit in?
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | werewolves | warlocks | vampires | by SKSADMIN02-17-2025, 10:25 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Choice & Consequence is a 18+ jcink premium site focused on character development – an integral part of any site. In this medieval fantasy setting, we want you to explore the world and establish your characters within it. We have no word count, we offer collaborative writing and you can make unlimited characters!

You have the opportunity to permanently shape the world – and the people within it. Life is like a game of chess -- and you don't want to make the wrong move.

♚ Profile App ♛ No Word Count ♜ Lax Activity Requirements ♝ Collaborative Writing ♞ Unlimited Characters ♟ Canon and Original Characters
Fantasy | Medievalesque | by Junitoons02-17-2025, 09:09 AM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Modern supernatural rpg set in Upstate New York. The town of Kingstown was founded by those that were fleeing persecution because of what they were. But over the years the town has become a haven to all things sinister and corrupt.

There was once a time when werewolves were the species garnering the most power. Their royal family was feared and respected. But with great power comes the ability to fall and fall the werewolves did. In wanting to rise to the top, powerful warlocks known as the Saints seized control and cursed the royals from their bipedal forms to their true wolf and slaughtered others. Of course, some escaped but not all.

The Saints have been at the top since. An already strong organization now teetering on having total control. Kingstown is the unsuspecting town where they prepare the future of their lineage. But as powerful as they are, they still have enemies - namely those who have been burned by them like witches and what is left of the werewolves.

It is only a matter of time before they are challenged. The werewolf King has returned and is working with witches to take back the town. As tensions rise between warlocks and wolves and a war imminent, the other species lurking in town are up to no good of their own. Where do you fit in?
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | werewolves | warlocks | vampires | by SKSADMIN02-16-2025, 03:07 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Choice & Consequence is a 18+ jcink premium site focused on character development – an integral part of any site. In this medieval fantasy setting, we want you to explore the world and establish your characters within it. We have no word count, we offer collaborative writing and you can make unlimited characters!

You have the opportunity to permanently shape the world – and the people within it. Life is like a game of chess -- and you don't want to make the wrong move.

♚ Profile App ♛ No Word Count ♜ Lax Activity Requirements ♝ Collaborative Writing ♞ Unlimited Characters ♟ Canon and Original Characters
Fantasy | Medievalesque | by Junitoons02-14-2025, 03:29 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
enter the flow is a no word count, 18+ 3-3-3 slice of life/supernatural RP blend set in the city of Glasgow, Scotland. With eight different species and practically infinite subspecies, the plot and site is designed to offer players a great deal of creative freedom within an engaging structure. We have a dice-based combat system that works hand in hand with our levelling system to provide an enriching experience with plenty of room and opportunity for characters to grow, and an ongoing event system that ensures every character can have their moment in the spotlight. We use a profile application with no word count.

We're an easygoing space with an eagerness to evolve and develop with our players and their characters and we're excited to welcome you into the story, whether you're looking for a supernatural adventure or a cosy slice of life!
Fantasy | supernatural | slice of life | character-driven | by matchstix02-13-2025, 11:18 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Our goal is to build a community of writers with a shared interest in original fantasy worlds. We like to dabble in the cultivation of ideas born of our imagination with few obstacles of limitation standing in our way. You too? Well then we're happy to have you along for this adventure!
Fantasy | sandbox | post apoc | original | by Hanna02-11-2025, 06:02 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Modern supernatural rpg set in Upstate New York. The town of Kingstown was founded by those that were fleeing persecution because of what they were. But over the years the town has become a haven to all things sinister and corrupt.

There was once a time when werewolves were the species garnering the most power. Their royal family was feared and respected. But with great power comes the ability to fall and fall the werewolves did. In wanting to rise to the top, powerful warlocks known as the Saints seized control and cursed the royals from their bipedal forms to their true wolf and slaughtered others. Of course, some escaped but not all.

The Saints have been at the top since. An already strong organization now teetering on having total control. Kingstown is the unsuspecting town where they prepare the future of their lineage. But as powerful as they are, they still have enemies - namely those who have been burned by them like witches and what is left of the werewolves.

It is only a matter of time before they are challenged. The werewolf King has returned and is working with witches to take back the town. As tensions rise between warlocks and wolves and a war imminent, the other species lurking in town are up to no good of their own. Where do you fit in?
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | werewolves | warlocks | vampires | by SKSADMIN02-11-2025, 12:42 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Choice & Consequence is a 18+ jcink premium site focused on character development – an integral part of any site. In this medieval fantasy setting, we want you to explore the world and establish your characters within it. We have no word count, we offer collaborative writing and you can make unlimited characters!

You have the opportunity to permanently shape the world – and the people within it. Life is like a game of chess -- and you don't want to make the wrong move.

♚ Profile App ♛ No Word Count ♜ Lax Activity Requirements ♝ Collaborative Writing ♞ Unlimited Characters ♟ Canon and Original Characters
Fantasy | Medievalesque | by Junitoons02-11-2025, 07:25 AM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
21+ 3/3/3 original fantasy
Fantasy | grimdark | by flair02-10-2025, 11:13 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Isla Iscarra is a fantasy horse roleplay set in an original setting, rated 3/2/3. We promote a friendly and inviting atmosphere to new and old RPers to safely express their creativity! Regardless of your skill level or abilities, we want you, as a player, to be safe and feel heard.

Isla Iscarra is themed after the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, Egypt and even Mayan, Aztec, and Incan! As a player, you have the ability to play semi-naturally marked equines with fantasy equines in a way that will let you receive benefits from having both in your arsenal.

We have an established, thought-out history with various site-wide plots that play into it. And many player-driven plots as well!
Fantasy | Animal | horse | equine | magic | gods | by Muffin02-05-2025, 10:01 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
21+ original fantasy
Fantasy | grimdark | by flair02-04-2025, 02:24 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
3/3/3 original grimdark fantasy
Fantasy | grimdark | by flair02-03-2025, 06:31 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Isla Iscarra is a fantasy horse roleplay set in an original setting, rated 3/2/3. We promote a friendly and inviting atmosphere to new and old RPers to safely express their creativity! Regardless of your skill level or abilities, we want you, as a player, to be safe and feel heard.

Isla Iscarra is themed after the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, Egypt and even Mayan, Aztec, and Incan! As a player, you have the ability to play semi-naturally marked equines with fantasy equines in a way that will let you receive benefits from having both in your arsenal.

We have an established, thought-out history with various site-wide plots that play into it. And many player-driven plots as well!
Fantasy | Animal | horse | equine | magic | gods | by Muffin02-03-2025, 01:54 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Choice & Consequence is a 18+ jcink premium site focused on character development – an integral part of any site. In this medieval fantasy setting, we want you to explore the world and establish your characters within it. We have no word count, we offer collaborative writing and you can make unlimited characters!

You have the opportunity to permanently shape the world – and the people within it. Life is like a game of chess -- and you don't want to make the wrong move.

♚ Profile App ♛ No Word Count ♜ Lax Activity Requirements ♝ Collaborative Writing ♞ Unlimited Characters ♟ Canon and Original Characters
Fantasy | Medievalesque | by Junitoons02-03-2025, 07:26 AM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Welcome to Mahone Bay, a charming coastal town renowned for its colorful homes, historic seafaring vessels, artisan shops, and cozy small-town feel. Here, the air is thick with the scent of saltwater and freshly baked pastries, and the whispers of old sailors’ tales drift through the harbor. Stories of merefolk—the mysterious creatures of the sea who lure sailors to their fate—are a favorite topic of dockside gossip. Most dismiss these as harmless myths, but beneath the idyllic facade of Mahone Bay, secrets swirl as deep and dark as the ocean itself.
Fantasy | Mermaids | by Kaay02-02-2025, 11:43 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
It was in the cold of winter that the houses of Basilia and Volkov made a pact for their daughter of House Basilia and the son and heir to House Volkov would marry, thus uniting the houses and forming an alliance between the countries of Prospemeria and Stryla.

An agreement was made and celebrations were in order, but first the princess was to meet with House Volkov, and though the journey across the sea was dangerous and would take a month at the longest, both families were optimistic about the prospect of an alliance.

though they knew the journey across the sea would be a month long perilous trek, no one could have predicted the fierce storm that dashed the ship into the jagged coast of Stryla. There were no survivors. When word reached house Basilia that their daughter never arrived, they were devastated.

Immediately, blame was pointed towards House Volkov, and suspicions rose that perhaps the noble Strylan house might have murdered her in cold blood. Tensions were high, but it wasn’t until a dragon from Prospemeria crossed the border, doing damage to their forests with its fire and causing damage to their territory by an out of control forest fire that the tension rose to a boiling point and war was officially declared.
Fantasy | dark | by flair02-02-2025, 09:39 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Modern supernatural rpg set in Upstate New York. The town of Kingstown was founded by those that were fleeing persecution because of what they were. But over the years the town has become a haven to all things sinister and corrupt.

There was once a time when werewolves were the species garnering the most power. Their royal family was feared and respected. But with great power comes the ability to fall and fall the werewolves did. In wanting to rise to the top, a secret society of powerful warlocks known as the Saints seized control and cursed the royals from their bipedal forms to their true wolf and slaughtered others. Of course, some escaped but not all.

The Saints have been at the top since. An already strong organization now teetering on having total control. Kingstown is the unsuspecting town where they prepare the future of their lineage. But as powerful as they are, they still have enemies - namely those who have been burned by them like witches and what remains of the werewolves.

It is only a matter of time before they are challenged. The werewolf King has returned and is working with witches to take back the town. As tensions rise between warlocks and wolves, and a war imminent, the other species lurking in town are up to no good of their own. Where do you fit in?
Fantasy | supernatural | small town | werewolves | warlocks | vampires | by SKSADMIN02-02-2025, 05:56 PM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Choice & Consequence is a 18+ jcink premium site focused on character development – an integral part of any site. In this medieval fantasy setting, we want you to explore the world and establish your characters within it. We have no word count, we offer collaborative writing and you can make unlimited characters!

You have the opportunity to permanently shape the world – and the people within it. Life is like a game of chess -- and you don't want to make the wrong move.

♚ Profile App ♛ No Word Count ♜ Lax Activity Requirements ♝ Collaborative Writing ♞ Unlimited Characters ♟ Canon and Original Characters
Fantasy | Medievalesque | by Junitoons01-31-2025, 07:50 AM
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Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
Welcome to Mahone Bay, a charming coastal town renowned for its colorful homes, historic seafaring vessels, artisan shops, and cozy small-town feel. Here, the air is thick with the scent of saltwater and freshly baked pastries, and the whispers of old sailors’ tales drift through the harbor. Stories of merefolk—the mysterious creatures of the sea who lure sailors to their fate—are a favorite topic of dockside gossip. Most dismiss these as harmless myths, but beneath the idyllic facade of Mahone Bay, secrets swirl as deep and dark as the ocean itself.

Fantasy | Mermaids | by Kaay01-30-2025, 12:07 AM
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