Language - L
Sexual Content - S
Violence - V
enter the flow is a no word count, 18+ 3-3-3 slice of life/supernatural RP blend set in the city of Glasgow, Scotland. With eight different species and practically infinite subspecies, the plot and site is designed to offer players a great deal of creative freedom within an engaging structure. We have a dice-based combat system that works hand in hand with our levelling system to provide an enriching experience with plenty of room and opportunity for characters to grow, and an ongoing event system that ensures every character can have their moment in the spotlight. We use a profile application with no word count.
A belated Happy New Year! enter the flow will be hosting a flash event in honour of the life and works of legendary Scottish poet Robert Burns, whose birthday and national day of remembrance is on the 25th of January. From this date, for the last week in January (1st Feb inclusive!) any character who posts during this time will earn an inventory item randomly selected by roulette wheel!
This is in addition to our inaugural mini-event where characters can earn an inventory item, a key item and a badge for their profile so now is a very good time to join in on the action!